With sources of inspiration ranging from African textiles to the digital fabric of social media, the eight choreographers in York University's MFA Program in Dance bring their thesis research to the stage in Now h e r e. The show, featuring a selection of original, self-choreographed, autobiographical solos, runs Oct 24 to 26 in the McLean Performance Studio, 244 Accolade East Building on York's Keele campus.
"In Now h e r e, the dance artists are presenting the outcomes of their own bodies' memories: their cultures, identities and technologies; their wishes, dreams and potential; their fears and their personal power," said Professor Darcey Callison, director of the graduate program in Contemporary Choreography and Dance Dramaturgy. "Scholar Harvie Ferguson wrote that 'all history is the history of the body' ". These choreographers are interpreting the histories of their bodies for the stage."Patrizia Gianforcaro's work This & That was created as a collaborative project between the choreographer and her artistic community in a process she calls 'audience dramaturgy'. Utilizing her body, movement and technology, the piece is her invitation to the audience to get to know her.Videos