“Clara’s Christmas Eve Dream,” a short, seven-minute, artistic film, will be released on Marquee TV in early to mid-December.
Experience moments of joy and magic from The Washington Ballet's charmingly-DC The Nutcracker - virtually!
While you can't be in the theatre to celebrate the joy of The Nutcracker and the holiday season, The Washington Ballet is working on putting together a delightful virtual Nutcracker experience with behind-the-scenes content, interviews, special performances, and more.
"Clara's Christmas Eve Dream," a short, seven-minute, artistic film, will be released with narration in English and Spanish on Marquee TV in early to mid-December. In the film, Clara has dreamlike flashbacks to what happened after she went to sleep on Christmas Eve, and wonders if it was just a dream... or was it...
Learn more at https://www.washingtonballet.org/events/virtual-nutcracker/.