Life is Extraordinary, an aerial dance show by Blue Lapis Light and LifeWorks Youth in Austin, will hold performances May 7-8, 2013 from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Through modern, aerial and traditional dance, these extraordinary youth will inspire and uplift audiences of all ages. Performances will be held at One World Theatre, 7701 Bee Cave Rd, Austin TX 78746.
Tickets are $12 through Blue Lapis Light's website:, or by check or credit card at the door.
Youth Taking Flight, Blue Lapis Light's youth outreach program, uses movement to instill confidence in teenagers. The chance to perform their art before an audience is the capstone of the creative process.
Life is Extraordinary is the culmination of an eighteen-week Youth Taking Flight workshop between Blue Lapis Light and LifeWorks youth. Through a journey from the ordinary to the extraordinary, performers explore their lives in words, movement and aerial dance. This collaborative performance features a group of adolescents challenged to hold onto hope, as they seek transformation, warmth and love.
Youth Taking Flight, Blue Lapis Light's youth outreach program, targets teenagers and uses movement to instill confidence and open students to new paths of listening and learning. Since 2006 Blue Lapis Light has transformed prominent and historic buildigs in downtown Austin into uplifting works of beauty. Blue Lapis Light's mission is to create transcendent works of beauty that are offered, without religious denomination, as prayers for the planet.
Youth Taking Flight is funded and supported in part by the City of Austin through the Cultural Arts Division, believing an investment in the Arts is an investment in Austin's future. Visit Austin at Additional YTF funding comes from the National Endowment for the Arts, the Texas Commission on the Arts, Applied Materials Foundation, Austin Community Foundation, the Rachel & Ben Vaughan Foundation, the Alice Kleberg Reynolds Foundation, Schnurr Inc. and community support.
For more information and to view videos of past events, visit