Take Root Presents MoveWorks and Ballaro Dance, Friday and Saturday, April 21st & 22nd at 8:00pm.
MoveWorks program will include four works by the company - a continuation of the Helga Series - an ongoing exploration into a the psyche of a simple, yet comedic, country-woman; The Red Scarf - a slapstick comedy; a new contemporary ballet duet choreographed by co-director Christian Serrano-Goden; and a new work by guest choreographer Sandra Shih Parks.
Ballaro Dance presents three works: Stairway To Nowhere, a quirky solo where the dancer shifts through various characters. Vivaldi, a duet of sisters, friends, confidants where the leader and follower roles of the two performers shift to enable growth and change. And Reflections on Thursday, a new work made during weekly reflection following the 2016 Presidential Election.