Show One Productions presents world-infamous Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo in a One-Night Only engagement, January 24, 2015 at 8pm at the Queen Elizabeth Theatre. The sensational evening marks the New York-based company's first Vancouver appearance since 1985, and will see the all male-troupe apply breathtaking technical prowess to ridiculously re-interpreted classical ballets, including Swan Lake and Paquita. EARLY BIRD TICKETS ON SALE NOW, THROUGH SEPT. 30, at
"We first presented Les Trocks in 2008 and they became our most favorite company to work with - we are delighted to bring this spectacular company to the Vancouver market. You will never see another show like it," promises Svetlana Dvoretsky, President & Executive Producer of Show One Productions. "On one level, this comes from the humour of full-grown men in drag and en pointe. Audiences quickly realize, however, this playfulness is backed by athletic and artistic skill of the highest degree. Even as they make you laugh - they take your breath away."
Founded by a group of ballet dancers in 1974, the New-York based company is dedicated to presenting saucily skewed, loving parodies of the beloved classics. The company was immediately recognized and lauded by audiences and esteemed critics, including The New Yorker, New York Times, and Village Voice, and began a grand tradition of international touring shortly thereafter.
Today, Les Trocks have performed in more than 30 countries and 500 cities worldwide, including Amsterdam, Auckland, Barcelona, Beijing, Berlin, Buenos Aires, Hong Kong, Johannesburg, London, Moscow (at the famed Bolshoi Theater), Paris (at the Chatelet Theater), Rome, Sydney, Tokyo, and Vienna.
In the four decade since the company's founding, the original concept of Les Trocks has not changed. The company of professional male dancers perform a full range of classical ballet and modern dance repertoire, with faithful and attentive detail paid to the manners and conceits of the various dance styles.
The ensemble's legendary comedy emerges by incorporating and exaggerating the foibles, accidents, and underlying incongruities of serious dance. The fact that men dance all the parts -heavy bodies delicately balancing en pointe as swans, sylphs, water sprites, romantic princesses, and angst-ridden Victorian ladies - enhances, rather than mocks, the spirit of dance as an art form, delighting and amusing novice and knowledgeable audiences alike.
The program presented in Vancouver will include Go for Barocco (set to Bach's Brandenburg Concerto No. 3) and Paquita, as well as the company's signature interpretation of Swan Lake.
EARLY BIRD TICKETS ARE ON SALE NOW, through Sept. 30, with 20% off tickets* using the code word TROCKS at
*Early bird offer applies to sections A+ - C only
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