Born and raised in NJ, choreographer Kyle Marshall has become one of the rising stars of modern dance. After getting rave reviews for their BAM Next Wave appearance, he and his gifted, young company, Kyle Marshall Choreography bring three works to Live Arts at the Morris Museum.
King honors Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and is set to his "I've Been to the Mountaintop" speech in Memphis, 1968. Dr. King put his body where his mouth was and marched and marched and marched for social change. What was the physical and emotional price of that marching? What were the effects on his body and soul?
Also on the program is the World Premiere of the duet, Horizon, which was first developed at Live Arts at the Morris Museum and previewed there in June, 2018. In Horizon, a man and a woman of different races negotiate the tension of our expectations--what may occur and what we, the audience, have been trained to expect. These three pieces exemplify Kyle Marshall Choreography's core belief in "the dancing body as a container of history, an igniter of social reform and a site of celebration."
Performances are Friday, January 17 at 8pm, Saturday, January 18 at 2pm and 8pm.
Admission is $35 for Museum Members, $40 for Non-Members, $25 for those under 25 years of age.
For tickets and information, visit:
Founded in 1913, the Morris Museum is an award-winning, multifaceted arts and cultural institution serving the public through its exhibitions and performances which strive to interpret the past and discover the future through art, sound, and motion. The Museum is home to the historic and internationally-significant Murtogh D. Guinness Collection of Mechanical Musical Instruments and Automata. Changing exhibits of contemporary content further illuminate its Permanent Collection. The Museum's Bickford Theatre is a 312-seat performing-arts facility, offering unique programming in film, jazz, and live performance through its innovative series, Live Arts at the Morris Museum. The Morris Museum has a proud tradition of meaningful educational programs and family events. New Jersey's only Smithsonian Affiliate Museum, Morris Museum is also the first museum in New Jersey to be accredited by the American Alliance of Museums, it has been designated a Major Arts Institution and has received the New Jersey State Council on the Arts' Citation of Excellence, among other awards.
Tickets may be purchased online at, by phone at 973.971.3706, or in person at the Morris Museum. The Morris Museum's Bickford Theatre is located at 6 Normandy Heights Road in Morristown, NJ, and offers free parking and full accessibility. Box office hours for phone sales are Monday through Friday, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
The Morris Museum is a Blue Star Museum, offering free admission to active duty military personnel and their families, from Memorial Day to Labor Day.
Check out video of Kyle Marshall Choreography below!