Ever woke up in the morning feeling tired, achy, and out of shape? So do millions of other people. Dancers, however, feel something completely different when they wake up. Dancers feel younger, healthier and in shape. Dance Pizazz, the St. Louis areas funnest friendliest dance studio (http://www.dance-pizazz.com), wants to share how dancing can help people stay healthier and younger.
Dancing can immensely slow down the aging process. Dancing is an activity that involves moving the entire body taxing muscles from the face all the way down to the tip of the toes. It's not just the physically exerted muscles benefiting; the muscles in our heart and lungs also get an extreme workout. In-fact the muscle exertion and breathing rates of dancers performing in competition is equal to Olympic swimmers, cyclists and runners.
Dancing doesn't just keep our body young; it also keeps our mind young. Dancing requires, balance, coordination, hearing perception, and an understanding of muscle control to achieve and remember patterns. Some common phrases in dancing are "flow state" and "muscle memory". These refer to the subconscious ability to move the body through fast precision movements without having to put full mental focus into the task. The more talented a dancer becomes, the more tasks that dancer can execute at a time. There are very few other activities in life that allow humans to operate at this level of mental processing.
At Dance Pizazz we understand how important it is for people to stay mentally and physically healthy. Check out http://www.dance-pizazz.com to learn more dancing and how it can help you stay forever young and healthy.