Dance Pizazz, the St. Louis area's funnest, friendliest dance studio (, introduces its Dance etiquette series. Dance etiquette is the guidelines which we use to properly interact with people in different styles of dance. Dance Pizazz will be sharing these sets of guidelines throughout the next six press releases. Topics will include:
What to wear, Comfort and Safety, Personal Grooming, Asking for a Dance, Dance Floor Etiquette & Partnership Do's & Don'ts.
Dance Pizazz's Dance etiquette series will help make the difference between a happy or unhappy dancing experience. It will make the difference between getting a second or third dance with another dancer, or never again. Dance etiquette goes a long way on and off the floor.
At Dance Pizazz we understand how important it is for students to have a proper dance experience. That is why we practice proper dance etiquette at all times. Check out to learn more about dance etiquette and its importance to your dance experience.