For her as-yet untitled work, Olivia May has been collaborating with TDC dancers on female character development, taking personalities and working to meld them through movement and see what kind of relationships develop. "I treasure COLEctive Notions because it gives me a chance to work with my close peers, who I love and respect, and it gives us all a chance to challenge one another on a creative level. I love this type of interaction, getting a perspective that would have never occurred to me. And I am always learning from Margi's feedback."
For "Running Parallel," Katie Petrunich is considering the concept of an everlasting relationship shared between elderly couples. "I find myself in awe and am intrigued by how two people can keep such a close bond for the majority of their lives. The dancers and I generated material for the duet using literature, photographs and real-life experiences." Petrunich appreciates the opportunity COLEctive Notions provides "to challenge myself throughout the development of the work, including writing the proposal to lighting the piece. I am extremely grateful TDC allows its dancers to explore and create our own work while having Margi as our guide if we choose; she offers a wide range of creative freedom."
Cole is committed to the concept of choreographic mentorship. "I have the opportunity to rehearse with these dancers and reap the benefits of their contributions to my own work on a regular basis. Now they have the opportunity to have the same exchange with each other and a little guidance from me. All they have to do is make the work and the company takes care of the rest of the concert production, allowing them to focus just on developing their work. It is my great pleasure to support them in this way. The quality and sophistication of their work is greater every year."
Artistic Director Margi Cole formed The Dance COLEctive in 1996 to challenge assumptions about how dance is presented, through the use of cutting-edge choreography, innovative collaborations and inspired, creative, site-specific works. TDC's vision is to become one of Chicago's premier dance ensembles, recognized for its compelling, socially relevant and inspiring choreography. In fulfilling its mission and vision, TDC embraces collaboration as a core element of its creative process; values the athleticism, grace, power and strength of its dancers; and nurtures and promotes the creativity of emerging artists. During the past 18 years, TDC has contributed to the support of 25 choreographers, 60 dancers and 60 collaborators, many of them Illinois artists. TDC performs at traditional venues as well as creating site-specific work as part of its annual repertoire. The company also conducts residencies annually, including performances, workshops, master classes and lecture demonstrations.
Cole has received recognition for her contribution to the field of modern dance through awards including the Illinois Arts Council's Individual Artist Fellowship, a Chicago Dancemakers Forum grant and the American Marshall Memorial Fellowship, which selects leaders in their respective fields to represent the United States on a month-long tour of European countries.