The creative team of This is Not A Table for Three (2014) is reunited in a daring new work, sans, premiering in New York City this January after a sold-out Seattle run. Christin Call, Daniel Christensen, and Joshua Dent, directed by Lauren Hlubny, challenge traditional gender stigmas while at their most vulnerable, in the nude. Witness the savagery and beauty that ensue. And answer the questions, 'What does it feel like to be without limits?'
Performances are January 20-22, 2017 at Shetler Studios in Manhattan.
sans is a nude dance-theatre work not to be missed. An actor, a dancer, and a cellist enter a surreal world where gender norms are questioned and the power of the human form is exposed. Sans takes the text and ideas of Euripides' Medea and Romeo and Juliet and shines the light of our modern world on them. It is a dynamic, yet simple, performance that is more relevant than ever in our current societal climate.
More details about the performance and a teaser trailer are available on the website and Facebook event page.
sans is created by Lauren Hlubny (NYC-based director), Daniel Christensen (Seattle actor, past credits include Annex Theatre and Live Girls!), Christin Call (Coriolis Dance co-Founder), and Joshua Dent (Nashville-based cellist). sans is produced by Danse Theatre Surreality (DTS), a bi-national company, based in Paris and New York City, producing feminist and surrealist dance and theatre works.
Who: Danse Theatre Surreality (DTS) and collaborators
What: sans- an exposed dance-theatre experience
When & Where:
-January 20, 2017 at 8pm
-January 21, 2017 at 8pm
-January 22, 2017 at 4pm
-January 22, 2017 at 8pm
All performances are located at Theatre 54 @ Shetler Studios, 244 W 54th St, New York, NY 10019 (on 54th between Broadway and 8th Ave).
For Group Rates, email