The recently released series leads viewers on a journey of intrigue, illusion, and imagination through the wilds of NYC.
Tribeca-based dance company Ballets with a Twist announces additional showings for its recently released short film series surrounding Mirage, a four-part dance suite safely choreographed, rehearsed, and produced for the camera between pandemic-induced lockdowns in 2020 and 2021.
The trailer for the series is available at
The second round of free virtual watch parties will take place in the official Twist Theater ( at the following times:
Friday, January 21, 2022 • 8pm and 10pm Eastern
Saturday, January 22, 2022 • 2pm, 8pm, and 10pm Eastern
Choreographed by Artistic Director Marilyn Klaus, with original music by Associate Director Stephen Gaboury and costumes by designer Catherine Zehr, Mirage was initially envisioned as a set of ephemeral concept films centered on the quest for creativity in the face of crisis - on discovering artistic oases in the midst of an urban desert. Directed by Emma Huibregtse, the four episodes lead viewers on a journey of intrigue, illusion, and imagination through the wilds of NYC. Filming locations included the Queens Unisphere, a phantom airstrip in Brooklyn, an abandoned architectural gem in Harlem, and the company's Lower Manhattan rooftop.
For more on Ballets with a Twist, visit