Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, beloved as one of the world's most popular dance companies, returns to the New York City Center stage from December 3, 2014 - January 4, 2014. Led by Artistic Director Robert Battle, The Company will present premieres, new productions and exciting performances by Ailey's acclaimed dancers that have become a joyous holiday tradition.
Check out a first look at the new season highlights below!
Tickets starting at $25 are available for purchase at the New York City Center Box Office, through CityTix® at (212) 581-1212, or online at or Discount tickets are available for Ailey Super Fans who purchase tickets for more than one performance, for students with an appropriate ID, and for groups of ten or more (discounts do not apply to $25 tickets). For group sales, call 212-405-9082 or For further details on Ailey's New York City Center season, visit