Abrons Arts Center presents the world premieres of Kimberly Bartosik's Ecsteriority4 (Part 2) and Dylan Crossman's BOUND on a shared program as part of its new dance series, Travelogues. Performances will take place today through Saturday, May 20-23, at 8pm, in Abrons Arts Center's Experimental Theater.
Ecsteriority4 (Part 2) is a project within Kimberly Bartosik's Ecsteriority series, which she began in 2008. A trio for Dylan Crossman, Marc Mann, and Melissa Toogood, the work takes place within a landscape of power and desire, where extreme impulses create a feeling of urgency, the inevitability of violation, and a palpable sense of vulnerability. The sole scenic element is a wall that becomes both an embodied character as well as a physical and psychic boundary. Ecsteriority4 (Parts 1 & 2), the evening-length work, will premiere at The Chocolate Factory Theater in September 2016.
Dylan Crossman's latest solo, BOUND, questions emotional (in)dependence - how real freedom may lie in recognizing what binds us, what we have already freed ourselves from, and what ties will always be with us. The movement is a blend of gestural and highly physical material that follows a precise choreographic score. Through a straightforward delivery, raw and honest movement emerges, retreats, and surprises. Carrie Wood's lighting and the score created by Crossman and collaborator Hubert Lafore subtly dress the space.
Tickets for Kimberly Bartosik and Dylan Crossman are $15 and can be purchased through Abrons Arts Center's Box Office at 212-352-3101, or online at www.abronsartscenter.org. Abrons Arts Center is located at 466 Grand Street (at Pitt Street) in Manhattan.
Laurie Uprichard is currently an independent curator and producer. She is a former director of the Dublin Dance Festival in Ireland (2007-2011) and Danspace Project, New York City (1992-2007). Travelogues introduces Abrons' audiences to new dance works by choreographers she has come across in her frequent travels. Uprichard saw a showing of Ecsteriority4 (Part 2) last summer in Montpellier, France. She saw Crossman's work at La MaMa and has watched him dance with Merce Cunningham, Kimberly Bartosik, and Pam Tanowitz in London, Paris, New York, Montpellier, and elsewhere.
Travelogues opened with the U.S. premiere of Daniel Léveillé's Solitudes solo in January 2015. The Irish company ponydance will bring their comic romp, Anybody Waitin'?, from October 15-25, presented in association with the Irish Arts Center. Los Angeles-based choreographer Lionel Popkin's work Ruth Doesn't Live Here Anymore will be presented October 28-November 1.