Exploring centuries-old songs from across Europe's many oral traditions,
Murder, Betrayal, and the Supernatural - The Art of the Balladeer and Kobzaribrings together two remarkable artists:
Colleen Cleveland, a fifth-generation traditional ballad singer from New York's north country; and
Julian Kytasty, a third-generation bandura player and singer. Themes of love, religion, history, legends, tragedy, and humor come to life as Cleveland and Kytasty revive songs passed down since the Middle Ages, from Ukraine's blind epic singers to the Scots Irish ballad tradition.
With sparse or no accompaniment, these solo performances will tap into the sounds of lives gone by from many times and places. Though Cleveland and Kytasty's repertoire encompasses great geographic diversity, audiences may be surprised to find thematic similarities between Scottish and Irish ballads and the songs of Ukraine's blind epic singers.
These wandering singers, known as
Kobzars, performed a wide array of epic historical and religious songs, accompanying their voices with the lute-like
kobza(later replaced by the more versatile
bandura). Kobzars frequently accompanied military expeditions, and some were even beheaded upon performing songs of revolution. The ballads of the British Isles cover equally diverse themes, from love and courtship to the hardships of labor to political dissent.
At once performers, historians, and conduits of cultural preservation, Cleveland and Kytasty bring their heritage to the
Thalia Theater on
Wednesday, January 29that
7:30 pm. Co-presented with the
Center for Traditional Music and Dance, this performance is the second in the World Music Institute's
Global Salon series, which focuses on traditional music from around the world.