As if a summer's evening in Vermont weren't magical enough already...the VSO conjures up a dreamscape of enchantment. Wizards, witches, and trolls, oh my! Our musical sorcery spirits you to Middle Earth--and then safely back to your picnic spread. As always, concerts conclude with the spectacular 1812 Overture, marches, and fireworks.
Tickets for all venues: On Sale now at (tickets for Stowe coming soon!)
Date: Wed. 07/01/2015
Time: Gates - 5:30 for picnicking I Concert at 7:30
Location: Mountain Top Inn, Chittenden
Date: Thu. 07/02/2015
Time: Gates - 5:00 for picnicking I Concert 7:30
Location: Riley Rink at Hunter Park, Manchester
Date: Fri. 07/03/2015
Time: gates - 5:30 for picnicking I Concert 7:30
Location: Grafton Ponds, Grafton
Date: Sat. 07/04/2015
Time: Gates at 5:15 pm | Concert at 7:30 pm
Location: Shelburne Farms, Shelburne
Date: Sun. 07/05/2015
Time: Gates at 5:30 pm | Concert at 7:30 pm
Location: Trapp Concert Meadow, Stowe
Tickets: Coming Soon!
So. Pomfret
Date: Thu. 07/09/2015
Time: Gates - 5:00 for picnicking I Concert 7:30
Location: Suicide Six Ski Area, South Pomfret
Date: Fri. 07/10/2015
Time: Gates - 5:30 for picnicking I Concert 7:30
Location: Okemo Mountain Resort, Jackson Gore Inn, Ludlow
Date: Sat. 07/11/2015
Time: Gates at 5:30 pm | Concert at 7:30 pm
Location: Three Stallion Inn, Randolph