Music, beer, wine and finger food will top the program for the first annual Oakland East Bay Symphony's Bach & Brew event scheduled for Saturday, May 17, 6-9 pm at Linden Street Brewery, 95 Linden Street, Oakland. Linden Street craft brews by brew master Adam Lamoreaux will be featured and also on sample will be beers and artisanal wines made by members of the Oakland East Bay Symphony. Additional food items will be available from gourmet off-the-grid food trucks and members of the Oakland East Bay Symphony will perform throughout the evening under the baton of Music Director and conductor Michael Morgan. The event is sponsored by Bell Investment Advisors, Mueller Nicholls Builders and Linden Street Brewery and all proceeds will benefit the Oakland East Bay Symphony. Tickets are $25 adults and $15 for designated drivers or under 21 years of age and may be purchased at For more information, .