Red Light District presents the world premiere of "The Frankenstein Summer" by Catherine Bush directed by Marc Geller Off Broadway at The Phil Bosakowski Theatre, 354 West 45th Street (between 8th and 9th Avenues). Previews begin on Wednesday, February 9th. The opening is Sunday, February 13th at 7:00 pm for the limited Off Broadway engagement. The cast features Marc Geller, Tracey Gilbert, Brad Malow, Brendan McMahon, Bill Roulet and Abby Royle. The set design is by Aaron Mastin; costume design is by Dennis Ballard, lighting design by Stephen Arnold with sound design by Shawn Lesmaster.
"The Frankenstein Summer" concerns five lovers exploring the heights of passion and the depths of evil. It is the meeting of literary giants George Gordon Lord Byron, Percy Bysshe Shelley and Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley in the summer of 1816 at Byron's magnificent Swiss villa. They experimented with free love and drugs and discovered an evil that threatened their sanity and inspired Mary Shelley's classic novel "Frankenstein".
Red Light District was founded in 1988, as a company of actors, directors and designers who, just as the members of that community whose name they've borrowed, are firmly committed to the attractive packaging of pleasurable entertainment, but, unlike those dedicated denizens, have not yet realized a profit from our purveying. Rather, RLD's productions are simply stimulating theatre pieces which offer a variety of challenges to actors, directors and designers ever addicted to honing their craft and hopefully to audiences ever committed to the quest for living theatre -- wherever it may lead them. This will be production number 31 in a very eclectic mix of established, contemporary, classical and original works.
Marc Geller has directed over 35 productions in NYC. He recently directed the world premiere of Edmund DeSantis' play More Than This at Urban Stages in NYC. Other favorites include: Adjoining Trances at the Samuel Beckett Theatre, the first NYC revival of Unidentified Human the Judith Anderson Theatre, The Shadow Box at Hudson Guild, the world premiere of Box Office Poison at INTAR and productions of Dark of the Moon and Sweeney Todd at the Gloria Maddox Theatre. Marc spent a season a year ago working as assistant director to Tony Award winning director, Vivian Matalon at the Berkshire Theatre Festival. He is the artistic director of Red Light District, the associate artistic director of Harbor Theatre Company, a member of New Jersey Rep, the Workshop Theatre and the Society of Stage Directors and Choreographers. Marc is also an actor and was seen most recently in the world premiere of Bennett Windheim's Prince Hal at the 45th Street Theatre and The Blue Flower at St. Clements Theatre.
Performances of "The Frankenstein Summer" are Tuesdays - Saturdays at 8:00 pm and Sundays at 7:00 pm. Tickets are only $15.00. They can be bought by calling (212) 352-3101 or on line at