Sacred music and text will fill the soaring halls of The Riverside Church as it celebrates and honors all Saints, known and unknown, during its All Saints' service on Sunday, November 3 at 5:00 p.m. in the Church's Nave, 91 Claremont Ave. (bet. 120th & 122nd Sts.), Morningside Heights.
This seasonal service of communion will include a candle lighting ceremony and reading of names to remember those in the faith community who have departed in the last year. The evening will be filled with hymns, canticles and spirituals sung by the Riverside Choir and soloists, featuring Messe Solennelle by Jean Langlais and Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis (Collegium Regale) by HerBert Howells.
The service is free to attend and an offering in benefit of the Food Pantry will be taken at the door. For more information contact the Ribverisde Music Department at 212-870-6722 or