he Richmond Symphony announces its season premier Beethoven Celebration with Steven Smith as conductor and Florence Robertson Givens guest pianist William Wolfram. Beethoven Celebration opens the 2013-2014 Altria Masterworks series.
Celebrate Beethoven with the Richmond Symphony at the Carpenter Theatre at Richmond CenterStage onSaturday, September 21 at 8pm and Sunday, September 22 at 3pm. A pre-concert talk will be held one hour before the concert. Post-concert, enjoy 10% off your meal at Bistro 27 or 525 at the Berry Burk with your symphony ticket stub.
Altria Masterworks are free for children 18 and under with a paid adult (tickets required).
College student single tickets just $7. Student subscriptions $25.
Tickets start at only $10 online at richmondsymphony.com or 1.800.514 ETIX.