The Richmond County Orchestra (RCO), under the direction of Maestro Alan Aurelia, presents: From Russia with Love, a celebration of music by Russian composers including Scherezade the Sea and Sindbads Ship, Firebird, Swan Lake, 1812 Overture, Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto by solo violinist Dan Auerbach and featuring the world premiere of "Autumn in New York" composed by Alla Pavlova. Nintendo fans and all will delight as the evening culminates with a performance of the music used for NintendoTetris ® video game which is actually an adaptation of a Russian folk song Korobeinikiarranged for RCO by Christopher Rinaman and performed by The Ridgewood Singers under the direction of Susan LaFever.
The performance is Sunday, October 22 3PM at The Music Hall at Snug Harbor Cultural Center and Botanical Garden, 1000 Richmond Terrace, Staten Island. Tickets are $15 per Adult in advance. $20 at door Students & Children are FREE! Trick or Treats for Kids For tickets visit: For information call:718-876-7945
This program is supported, in part, by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the NYC Council and by Investors Bank, IHOP Staten Island, Con Edison, Karate USA, Northfield Bank Foundation and The Lois and Richard Nicotra Foundation.
Dan Auerbach, violinist
Dan Auerbach, violinist and conductor, holds B.M. and M.M. degrees from The Juilliard School. He earned his Doctor of Musical Arts degree from the Mason Gross School of the Arts, Rutgers University as a student of Arnold Steinhardt.
His teaching experience includes the Juilliard Pre-College, Bowdoin Summer Music Festival, and Rutgers University. His students have gone on to win regional and all-state competitions, as well as college auditions such as Columbia, Rutgers, and University of Chicago. Recent clinics include the Georgia ASTA workshop.
Dr. Auerbach is assistant professor of music at the College of Staten Island. In the summers, Dr. Auerbach teaches at Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp.
Alla Pavlova, Composer
Alla Pavlova was born in the Ukraine. She received her Bachelor's Degree at the Ippolitov-Ivanov Music Institute and her Master's Degree at the Gnesin Academy of Music in Moscow. She worked for the Union of Bulgarian composers and the Bulgarian National Opera and the Russian Musical Society Board. Pavlova has lived has lived in New York since 1990 and is a member of New York Women Composers, Inc. and a member of IAWM (International Alliance for Women Composers. She worked as a piano instructor at 92 Y School of Music in NYC.
Pavlova has written a number of compositions for orchestra, including ten symphonies and the ballet SULAMITH based on the 1908 story by the famous Russian writer Alexandre Kuprin about the love of King Solomon for Sulamith, a servant from his vineyard. She is also the composer of numerous instrumental and vocal works that have been performed in the United States, Europe, Canada, Japan, India and Australia.
Christopher Rinaman, Composer
Christopher Rinaman, a freelance composer, arranger and trombonist in New York City, studied at the Manhattan School of Music and the University of North Florida. His experience ranges from jazz and orchestral arranging to composing for film.
Ridgewood Singers
The Ridgewood Singers is a community chorus founded in 1953 as one of the first choirs in Northern New Jersey with a history of over sixty years of providing song, socializing
and fun for its members and audiences.
Founded in 1998, under the direction of Maestro Alan Aurelia, The Richmond County Orchestra continues its effort to enhance the musical and cultural life of Staten Island and strives to inspire a love of music through a presentation of the classical repertoire and programming that encourages interaction with audience members. The orchestra offers live performances in the three council districts of Staten Island, presenting works of living composers as well as music from the past, providing its listeners with an opportunity to explore a new artistic language. In addition, the RCO offers educational innovations designed to capture the interest of young students who want to pursue a career in music.
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