June 4, 2015 - East Providence, RI - David Wax, who served as the Philharmonic's Executive Director from 2000 to 2007, passed away on Thursday, May 21. David came to Rhode Island after an already illustrious career in orchestra management, having served as General Manager of the Minnesota Orchestra and Executive Director of the Houston Symphony. David led the initial years of the Music School/Orchestra merger. He brought enormous intelligence, experience, and kindness to his role as Executive Director. To the Orchestra, he also brought remarkable artistic insight and created our now very successful Rush Hour series. David and his beloved wife Elaine were grand hosts to the many donors, artists, staff, board members and soloists who enjoyed incredible meals at their home. The important relationships they cultivated continue today. For his service, he was awarded the John Hazen White Leadership Award in 2008. Since departing the Philharmonic, David served as interim Executive Director for a number of remarkable arts organizations, including Opera New Jersey. Most recently, he was the Executive Director of the Gamm Theater in Pawtucket. David continued to sing with the Providence Singers and performed on our joint Messiah this past December. Elaine and he were regulars at our concerts. He continued to have a close relationship with many in the Philharmonic family. We mourn his passing and are saddened by this loss. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Elaine and his daughter Alexandra in this difficult time. A memorial service will be held this Friday, June 5, 11:00 AM, Temple Beth-El, 70 Orchard Avenue, Providence.
See more about David at: http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/providence/obituary.aspx?n=david-wax&pid=174954793#sthash.QaLmNUMI.dpuf.