This season, five monographic concerts will take place, each featuring the music of André Hamel, Jean Lesage, Simon Bertrand, Michel Longtin and Linda Bouchard.
The Société de musique contemporaine du Québec will yet again demonstrate its creativity by offering a series of monographic concerts dedicated to Quebec composers, as well as numerous new events.
This season, five monographic concerts will take place, each featuring the music of André Hamel, Jean Lesage, Simon Bertrand, Michel Longtin and Linda Bouchard.
"Our regular Homage Series, focusing on a specific composer, and produced in collaboration with the musical community, was compromised by COVID, so we took advantage of the opportunity to highlight the often unsuspected richness of the Quebec repertoire and some of its most representative voices" explains SMCQ Artistic Director Walter Boudreau.
Note that each concert benefits from an original digital scenography or videography, allowing the public, in theatres or online, to experience an "enhanced" version of the music.
In a different vein, the Triptyque evening with Musique 3 femmes will introduce a new generation of female opera artists recipients of the the Mécénat Musica Prix 3 femmes, while an anniversary concert will celebrate the SMCQ's's 55th anniversary.
Speech bubbles, songs and podcasts
For younger people, a new comic book, recounting the history of the SMCQ, will enable them to explore our musical heritage. This will complete the l'histoire SMCQ podcast, which continues to punctuate the year with its rich tales of musical history. Finally, composer Denis Gougeon offers 10 new works for children's choir based on texts by young lyricists on the theme of the imaginary journey.
Salle Pierre-Mercure - Sunday September 26, 3 pm
A unique experience of sound space: this first portrait of a composer immerses the audience in the repertoire of André Hamel's spatialised pieces. From chamber music to large orchestra, the music is physically experienced by musicians scattered throughout the hall. A scenography by Sylvain Marcotte accompanies this extraordinary event. The event is preceded by a mediation activity on Saturday at 4pm, as part of the "Les Journées de la culture" (free).
Salle Bourgie - Sunday October 10, 2021, 7:30 pm
Make way for opera ... and make way for women! The winners of the Mécénat Musica Prix 3 Femmes invite you to discover three new operas in one unique evening. This is a terrific opportunity to hear Canadian women composers and librettists whose notes and words echo our troubled times: Sonia Paço-Rocchia, Marie-Ève Bouchard, Parisa Sabet, Nika Khanjani, Anna Pidgorna, et Maria Reva.
Salle Pierre-Mercure - December 13, 14, 15, 2021
The SMCQ celebrates the 55th anniversary of Canada's first contemporary music concert by reviving this memorable event that brought contemporary music to Quebec. On the programme: works from the past few decades as well as a premiere.
Salle Pierre-Mercure - January 30, 3 pm
World music in general, especially that from Japan colours Simon Bertrand's work. This concert, in the form of a musical journey, sets out to meet his influences in a contemplative mode conducive to the encounter with the other.
Salle Pierre-Mercure - Sunday, February 27, 3 pm
One of Quebec's most original voices, Michel Longtin, boldly combines musical styles and ideas. This portrait of three of the composer's major pieces gives the true measure of his talent by illustrating all his expressive power.
Salle Pierre-Mercure - Sunday, March 27, 2022, 3 pm
A timeless walk through the whimsical world of Jean Lesage! The music of this atypical composer crosses time and styles while video projections offer a mirror image of his compositions.
Salle Pierre-Mercure - Sunday, May 1, 2022, 3 pm
Last but not least, the series of portraits concludes with an explosive multimedia concert from Linda Bouchard. Graphic scores and interactive videos create an inspiring immersive experience.
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