Cleveland-based French Baroque specialists Les Délices make their Miller debut, recreating the opulent sound world of a 1750s Paris salon. Featuring works that pushed the boundaries of harmony and technical virtuosity, the program revels in the decadence of the era while embracing the Enlightenment values of individuality, originality, and experimentation. Les Délices deftly makes accessible little-known works by Philidor, Dauvergne, Mondonville, and Rameau.
Les Délices
Debra Nagy, baroque oboe
Julie Andrijeski, violin & viola
Scott Metcalfe, violin
Emily Walhout, viola de gamba
Michael Sponseller, harpsichord
Jean-Joseph Cassanea de Mondonville: Sonata Prima from Sonates en symphonie
François-André Philidor: Sinfonia 6 from Quatuors: l'Art de la modulation
Jean-Philippe Rameau: Concert no. 3 from Pièces de clavecin en concert
François-André Philidor: Sinfonia 1 from Quatuors: l'Art de la modulation
Antoine Dauvergne: 2eme Concert de Simphonies (Op. 3 no. 2)