The New School's College of Performing Arts (COPA) today announced Aaron Copland: An American Portrait, a one-of-a-kind concert and performance at Lincoln Center's Alice Tully Hall honoring Aaron Copland's legacy as a visionary composer and citizen-artist. CoPA's Mannes Orchestra, in partnership with the university's School of Drama, will perform Copland's A Lincoln Portrait and Symphony No. 3 as well as Art in an Uneasy World, a newly devised dramatic work based on Copland's testimony during the 1953 anticommunist hearings on "un-American activities." The concert will take place on Saturday, October 26th at 7:30 pm.
Aaron Copland is recognized as one of the most important and influential composers of the 20th Century for his tremendous breadth of style and originality of his work, which made it uniquely American. What is lesser celebrated is Aaron Copland, the citizen activist, who was deeply concerned about the plight of his fellow Americans during the depression, founded multiple organizations to support and advocate for composers, scored anti-Nazi films in the 1940s, and was a staunch patriot questioned in 1953 by the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations of the Committee on Government Operations chaired by Senator Joseph McCarthy. "The New School was founded by John Dewey, James Beard, James Harvey Robinson, Alvin Johnson, and Thorsten Veblen as a place of refuge out of a culture that feared and ostracized radical thinkers, political dissidents, and nearly any individual who dared to speak out against the nation's involvement in World War I," said Richard Kessler, Dean of Mannes and Executive Dean for the College of Performing Arts. "Copland's life both personal and professional, was deeply shaped by those same external forces. Today, once again, those same forces of fear, hate, and intolerance loom large in American society and politics. We hope that this evening will tie together all of these threads, and provide the opportunity for reflection on how far we have come, and how far we have to go."Tickets: $10. On sale: September 26th via and the Alice Tully Hall Box Office or call Center Charge: 212-721-6500