Nightnotes concert features all-Oakland University guitar trio Detroit Chamber Winds & Strings is presenting a "Guitar Summit" concert 8 p.m. on Feb. 20 as part of its "Nightnotes" series.
This event features the sweet sound of classical and contemporary guitar works by three Oakland University faculty members who are also professional musicians. This performance marks the first time guitar will be featured in the popular Nightnotes Concert Series in its 16-year history.OU's Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost James P. Lentini will be joined on stage by special lecturer Bret Hoag, who oversees the Oakland University classical and jazz guitar program and by Music, Theatre and Dance department faculty member Terry Herald.
"It's an honor for all three of us to perform at this Detroit Chamber Winds & Strings event," said Dr. Lentini. "The DCWS is one of the major classical music organizations in Detroit and if you like guitar music, we hope you will come out, listen in and enjoy the show."
Original compositions written by Lentini and Herald will be performed. In addition, the group will play music by famous composers such as J.S. Bach and Dusan Bogdanovich in arrangements for trios, duos and solos.
The Guitar Summit concert will be held at Hagopian World of Rugs, 850 South Old Woodward Avenue in Birmingham. Tickets at $22 adults/$10 students are available in advance by visiting: