World-renowned Tenor Anthony Kearns, the original founding member of The Irish Tenors, will be performing a benefit show for: OASIS-A Haven for Women and Children.
The concert will take place Sunday March 2, 2014 at 2PM at Patricia Sollitto Performing Arts Center, Immaculate Heart Academy, 500 Van Emburgh Avenue, Washington Township, NJ.
Tickets are $35 for the concert and $100 VIP Ticket that includes the concert and admission to a catered cocktail reception immediately following the show.
Kearns has the largest repertoire of Irish music of any performer today, and is also well known in the United States for his numerous high level concert performances.
Acknowledged as Ireland's Finest Tenor at the Dublin National Concert Hall's Silver Jubilee in 2006, Kearns is a respected ambassador of Ireland to the world and has presented the music of his homeland across the globe. He frequently performs at charity concerts, on television, and with the finest symphony orchestras and opera houses in Europe and America.
For further concert information call (973)-881-8307 ext. 108, or