24th STreet Theatre and Street Symphony, a non-profit organization founded by L.A. Phil violinist and TED senior fellow Vijay Gupta that actively brings live classical musical outreach concerts to the deeply underserved mentally ill, have banded together to present TEDxSkidRow: Mirroring Los Angeles. Curated by Gupta with community organizer Cooper Bates and GOOD/Corps and GOOD Magazine director of strategic partnerships Grace Kim. Sunday's event will take place at 24th STreet Theatre on Sunday, Sept. 8.
TEDxSkidRow: Mirroring Los Angeles aims to celebrate the passion, drive and brilliance of activists who work tirelessly to bring awareness, education, health services, and the richness of theater and music to Los Angeles residents without access. Speakers will include poet-activist Steve Connell; educator and playwright Debbie Devine; pianist/composer Reena Esmail; executive director of TRUST South LA Sandra McNeill; and L.A. Phil director of educational initiatives Gretchen Nielsen who also sits on 24th STreet Theatre's board of directors.Videos