eBooks2go's latest offering in the digital book world is award-winning book publicist Sandra Beckwith's eBook, "Get Your Book In The News," which is now available exclusively on iTunes.
With more than 25 years of award-winning publicity experience, Sandra Beckwith is the author of two publicity books - Streetwise Complete Publicity Plans: How to Create Publicity That Will Spark Media Exposure and Excitement, a how-to guide for small business owners like freelance writers, and Publicity for Nonprofits: Generating Media Exposure That Leads to Awareness, Growth, and Contributions, a step-by-step manual for nonprofit organizations.
In addition to conducting publicity campaigns for her own books, Sandra has helped promote the books of several other authors. Her latest eBook, published by eBooks2go, is a guide for authors who go the self-publishing route, to write winning Press Releases to enhance visibility and generate readership for their books.
The eBook is available on iTunes.
[https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/get-your-book-in-news-how/id582588230?mt=11 __title__ ]