Jae-Dee is only 3 when she is abandoned by her parents into an all-girls orphanage and raised by Catholic nuns. A curious, cheeky and intelligent child, she is forced to adapt to a life of abandonment, loss and grief. In “Jae-Dee Survives the Home of Many Mothers,” Collier tells of her life experiences from the voice of her inner-child until she is older and able to express her life in a mature manner.
Through telling her story, Collier hopes readers take away that “Child abuse and neglect affects the healthy emotional development of a child (and) remains with them for a lifetime. It takes considerable hard work, financial resources, commitment and the love and support of many people to heal the pain of the past to thrive and dispel the stigma associated with growing up with a disadvantaged childhood.” Collier expresses how momentous it is for a child abuse survivor to overcome the associated hardships.
The book is available for purchase at: https://www.amazon.com/Jae-Dee-Survives-Home-Many-Mothers/dp/1504315693.
“Jae-Dee Survives the Home of Many Mothers”
By Jae-Dee Collier
Softcover | 5.5 x 8.5 in | 186 pages | ISBN 9781504315692
E-Book | 186 pages | ISBN 9781504315708
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Jae-Dee Collier is semi-retired and spends a lot of her time writing. She received her Master of Professional Practice in creative writing from University of the Sunshine Coast in 2018. She has two children from her first marriage and six grandchildren. She has three step-sons and six grandchildren with her second husband, totaling 12 grandchildren between them. “Jae-Dee Survives the Home of Many Mothers” is Collier’s first book. She is currently in the process of writing a follow up book on the life of Jae-Dee after she leaves the orphanage and her teens; a life which resulted in a comedy of errors and a journey of overcoming further dysfunction.
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