DaPorscha Rufus' new book YOUR BOOK From: God-366 Days of Inspiration, Spiritual Guidance, Anointed Prayers and Heartfelt Poetry ($25.49, paperback, 9781498478236; $9.99, eBook, 9781498478243), is destined to provide healing for the hurting, stimulate the downcast in spirit and mend the broken-hearted. Rufus' overall mission is to educate and inspire God's Children by reassuring them that they were created for a purpose and destined to be all that God created them to be for such a time as this!
Rufus says, "In all confidence I know that YOUR BOOK From: God is what people from nation to nation have been longing for. It is love, enlightenment, excitement, laughter and pain as described from one soul to the next. People from all over the world will be transformed in their hearts, minds and everyday lives becoming better than the person they were the day, week, month, or year before."
DaPorscha Rufus knows firsthand what it's like to be hopeless and cease to exist. She remembers days of numbness where she would simply lay in bed and pray that God would just put her out of her misery. She knows what it's like to have a smile on the outside and be bleeding internally. She knows what it's like to curse your own existence. If anyone knows what it's like to be living but dying on the inside it's Rufus. This is why YOUR BOOK From: God was birthed.
Xulon Press, a division of Salem Media Group, is the world's largest Christian self-publisher, with more than 12,000 titles published to date. Retailers may order YOUR BOOK From: God-366 Days of Inspiration, Spiritual Guidance, Anointed Prayers and Heartfelt Poetry through Ingram Book Company and/or Spring Arbor Book Distributors. The book is available online through xulonpress.com/bookstore, amazon.com, and barnesandnoble.com.
Media Contact: DaPorscha Rufus
Email: porscha_rufus(at)yahoo(dot)com
Phone: 469-508-3136