The story revolves around Finley, who wears a string of six feathers, each given to her by her mother every year on her birthday since her father went away. One day the wind blows the feathers away and Finley’s friends go on a journey with her to find them. Finley’s Feathers… a Journey of Friendship, Hope, and Love will appeal to readers’ sense of adventure and friendship, and will also teach them the beauty of kindness.
Lee Towell is a foster parent and has adopted three boys from an extremely traumatic beginning to life. She believes in the hope that can come from being surrounded by courage, love, and kindness. Towell has also written Up on the Rooftops.
Xulon Press, a division of Salem Media Group, is the world’s largest Christian self-publisher, with more than 12,000 titles published to date. Finley’s Feathers… a Journey of Friendship, Hope, and Love is available online through,, and