Winston Nightingale experienced a childhood marked by constant travel, new places and fresh experiences. In his first book, "Colorado Or Bust" (published by Xlibris), he looks back to the simple joys of his growing up years, imparting lessons along the way.
This book is primarily about the author taking the journey from childhood to adulthood against the backdrop of breathtaking places in the US. Nightingale was born in Turlock, California in 1948 and ten years later, the family moved to Crowley, Colorado. After three years in the Mountain State, the family again moved to Ulysses situated in the Sunflower State.
"I believe that most of us have an average childhood and some of the same feelings about our journey of life," Nightingale says. "I like to read about other people's stories in life and I don't think I'm anything but ordinary."
Vividly recounting his peripatetic childhood, Nightingale is able to impart a story of an ordinary man living an ordinary yet meaningful life. It is through his soulful recollection that readers may see how children grow up in a simple life and home filled with love and respect by each family member.
"Colorado Or Bust"
By Winston Nightingale
Hardcover | 6 x 9in | 80 pages | ISBN 9781493178834
Softcover | 6 x 9in | 80 pages | ISBN 9781493178841
E-Book | 80 pages | ISBN 9781493178827
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Winston Nightingale got married in December 1966 and worked for his brother-in-law, Ivan Nightingale, until 1973. Ivan was a contractor and they used to frame houses in Modesto and surrounding towns. In 1973, the family moved to Ulysses, where the author did agricultural dirt moving for a short time. He then worked on a farm for about two years. Then for about 14 years, the author, his wife and their eldest daughter, Yvonne, owned and operated an upholstery shop. By 1991, they moved to Montezuma after the two youngest children got married. There, the author found employment in the church owned elder care facility where he still works.
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