"Conflux" features the life of Sean Carrol, an ex-special forces operations officer who must attempt to stop a powerful military organization from carrying out a vicious plan to obliterate the United States and its allies.
"Fresh and exciting, the story casts our modern day world in a light of realistic fiction that incorporates certain institutions, locations, and governments in a story that swings widely out of control, resulting in a conflict that threatens our very existence," Brazzel points out. "The story contrasts overwhelming personal emotions with the reality of uncontrollable international events that challenge the individual desire for peace."
Concerned about the future of humankind, Brazzel hopes that his book may be able to bring forth a fictional imagery as to the potential destruction that may occur if mistrust, hatred and the lust for power continues unabated, provoking ideas and question to readers that pertain to many current events in the society.
An excerpt from the book:
Never again can we trust our future to people such as Carl Dietrich-people who seek power purely to subjugate others. In reality, I know that somewhere down the road, we'll be challenged by the emergence of another figure like Dietrich who may thrust our world into peril once again.
"Conflux: Threat from the Troika"
By William Brazzel
Hardcover | 6x9 in | 344 pages | ISBN 9781504391788
Softcover | 6x9 in | 344 pages | ISBN 9781504391764
E-Book | 344 pages | ISBN 9781504391771
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
William Brazzel has worked as an insurance agent for 35 years. In his three-year endeavor to create a truly different and exhilarating story, he spent many hours researching history, geography and current events. Brazzel currently resides in Morris Plains. "Conflux" is his debut novel.