Set for a new marketing campaign, the story begins in the pre-marriage life of a couple in the story. The husband-to-be was born and raised in Ohio. The wife-to-be was born and raised in Cairo, Egypt. Three chapters detail the unique experiences in their life. A little later in their marriage life, they come across a professor in Arab-American Social Affairs that stated she had never met a couple like them. A chronicle of the events that transpired during the couple’s 20-year marriage will highlight some economic struggles, spying and uncommon behaviour.
“Two examples of the connections of the peace process and our family are the arrival of President Sadat on his first trip to Israel on the night of “the birth of our first born” and the governors of Cairo and Giza both coming to me for private English lessons in my apartment. These are just two of many.” For more details about the book, please visit
“Where Does Peace Find Itself”
By Ernest Jacob
Hardcover | 6 x 9in | 104 pages | ISBN 9781499053302
Softcover | 6 x 9in | 104 pages | ISBN 9781499053319
E-Book | 104 pages | ISBN 9781499053326
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Ernest Jacob’s education is summed up in the following: certificate of studies from University of Grenoble, France; University of Madrid, Spain; and American University in Cairo. In addition, he has a bachelor’s degree from the University of Toledo, Ohio and he also audited one summer of Chinese at UCLA. With regard to teaching, he was an English instructor at the AUC, the Ohio Northern University and the University of Toledo. He taught French, Spanish and German in Ohio High Schools.