Taking place in the early 1960s in Sagahawk, a small, rural village on the east end of Long Island, New York. Two teenagers, Joe Carr and Mary Hurd, find themselves engaged in a quest to discover the truth about a mysterious warning from the future that begins with a school project researching headstones in the local cemetery one summer. The overall theme of staying true to values, even in the face of dire circumstances, confronts Joe and Mary as they struggle to be heard and avoid an earth-shattering event they believe is about to happen.
Bronzo's aim in the book "is to capture the wholesome values and simple agrarian way of life that existed unnoticed on the east end of Long Island, and use it as a backdrop to contrast with the exciting twists and turns in a captivating adventure and sweet love story."
Praise for "Sagahawk by the Sea":
"(This book) will make readers want to read it in one sitting … It isn't easy to write a story that will reach so many readers, but John F. Bronzo has done just that in 'Sagahawk by the Sea.'"
-Red City Review
"Sagahawk by the Sea"
By John F. Bronzo
Hardcover | 6 x 9 in | 270 pages | ISBN 9781480852532
Softcover | 6 x 9 in | 270 pages | ISBN 9781480852556
E-Book | 270 pages | ISBN 9781480852549
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
John F. Bronzo, an award-winning author, is passionate about capturing the American experience in his writing. His novel "Mary Bernadette: Secrets of a Dallas Moon" received numerous accolades, being given an "Honorable Mention" in four book festivals: the Great Midwest Book Festival, the New England Book Festival, the Florida Book Festival and the New York Book Festival. He lives in New York with his family and supports worthy causes with his writing. "Sagahawk by the Sea," published in April 2018, is already a "Winner" in the Red City Review Book Awards, where it received a 5-Star Review, and the New York Book Festival.