Hyde Hyatt is a 60-year-old billionaire in the financial district, preceded by his reputation for being endlessly charming and sleeping around with women of all ages. Angelica Mercedes is a coquettish, big-spending young woman, 40 years his junior, with an abundance of charisma and daddy issues. She also may or may not be a deadly serial killer. As people in Hyde's life turn up missing, will he be able to figure out the mystery before it's too late?
Phelan set out to write a novel that broke traditional boundaries and create an immersive read: "I wanted the reader to feel like they, too, were a character in this story, and that the characters were interacting not only with each other but also directly with the reader," she explains. "I essentially invented an entirely new language."
The novel also serves as commentary on the concept of predatory behavior. The book offers insights into the mind of Angelica, whose true nature is ambiguous throughout the narrative. Phelan hopes this ambiguity will cast a new light on how readers perceive such behavior.
"We're at a place where we've decided to essentially demonize any kind of 'predator' or 'predatory' behavior," says Phelan. "This is an important place to be at, as very important shifts are occurring, legally and otherwise, due to this."
"Sugar Baby"
By Allison Rose Phelan
Hardcover | 6 x 9 in | 344 pages | ISBN 9781480863965
Softcover | 6 x 9 in | 344 pages | ISBN 9781480863972
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Allison Rose Phelan is an award-winning writer, screenwriter, entertainer, poet, playwright, actress, model and photographer. She has a Master of Fine Arts in screenwriting and has won 13 screenwriting awards to date. Her mission in life is to create more laughter, fun, ecstasy, playfulness and wild entertainment.