New York
"Gene Expression and Its Regulation" tells of author Werner Maas' involvement in the development of molecular genetics; his main contributions have been in the discovery of regulatory genes that are essential for the proper functioning of genes in the maintenance of living cells. The main part of this book deals with the analysis of the molecular mechanism of this regulation.
Author Werner Maas is Professor Emeritus of Microbiology at New York University School of Medicine. Since his student days in 1941, he has been involved in the development of the new science of molecular genetics. His main contributions have been in the discovery of regulatory genes that are essential for the proper functioning of all genes in the maintenance of living cells.
In 1955, he discovered that the formation of the amino acid arginine was feedback-regulated by arginine in combination with the product of a regulatory gene. This single gene product controls the formation of the eight enzymes of arginine biosynthesis.
Highly interesting and ground-breaking, "Gene Expression and Its Regulation" is a personal account of all the pioneers of molecular biology who aims to provide new insights about molecular genetics. This book is a good contribution to current research developments in science.
Gene Expression and Its Regulation* by Werner Maas
Publication Date: March 6, 2013
Trade Paperback; $12.99; 54 pages; 9781479799312
e-book; $3.99; 54 pages; 9781479799329
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