Propelled into the spotlight in September 2006 by Beyonce's twenty-pound weight loss in two weeks for the movie Dreamgirls, the master cleanse had actually been around for thirty years before that. Now The Master Cleanse Coach, a new book by Peter Glickman, promises expert help to lose weight safely and improve health. The book goes on sale at booksellers, including Barnes & Noble and health food stores, this month.
The Master Cleanse Coach book follows Glickman's Master Cleanse Coach iPhone and Android app, which has sold 7,000 copies in 52 countries. Both were based on Glickman's coaching more than 2,000 people. In fact, The New York Times traced cleansing's recent popularity to Peter Glickman 's promotion of the Master Cleanse (The Juice Cleanse, Judith Newman , The New York Times, Oct. 27, 2010).Glickman, called a modern-day Master Cleanse Guru by CBS National News in 2009, wrote the first new book on the Master Cleanse since it was developed by Stanley Burroughs in 1976. Glickman's 2004 book, Lose Weight, Have More Energy & Be Happier in 10 Days, has been translated into eight foreign languages and is currently number two in Preventative Medicine and number seven in Diet Therapy on Kindle. In 2011, a third edition added chapters on the scientific basis behind the Master Cleanse and anti-aging.Videos