"The Forest Dames" (published by AuthorHouse) is a novel based on war experiences that author AdaOkere Agbasimalo believes must be told "in order to free the mind, disseminate information and prick the conscience of war agitators." It is the author's true life story fictionalized to reduce impact.
"The Forest Dames" tells the story of a young girl living with her parents in the relatively calm and peaceful British colony of Nigeria. Unfortunately, this peace soon gave way and exploded into a full-blown civil war - and from that time onwards, nothing was ever the same again.
"As a teenage girl, caught up in the cross fire of the Nigeria-Biafran war (1967-1970) and made to live in the perilous African forest in order to escape abduction by randy soldiers, the horrors may have sunk into my impressionable mind and remained deep-seated," Agbasimalo writes. "Out of the forest, the horrors continued. Now a mature adult survivor, I hear the drum beats of war still sounding as loud as they sounded over four decades ago, reminiscent of the horrors of old. No more please!"
Readers will be given a welcome reminder of the resilience of the human spirit as Agbasimalo recounts her refusal to give up in the face of adversity.
"The Forest Dames"
By AdaOkere Agbasimalo
Softcover | 6 x 9 in | 228 pages | ISBN 9781456770273
E-Book | 228 pages | ISBN 9781467894906
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
AdaOkere Agbasimalo has a degree in French from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, where she is currently pursuing a doctorate and a master's degree in political science from the University of Lagos, Nigeria. She is also the author of "Bow You Must" and "Waves of Destiny." More information is available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VvWIUCBQwsQ. adaagbasimalo(at)facebook(dot)com. The Survivors' blog - adaagbasimalo.blogspot.com. 'The Forest Dames', also available in Nigeria bookstores. Call: 08033110679, 08067348956, 08026992535, 08026992535, 08034021021 (234).
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