In her new book, "Walls of a Warrior: Conquering the fears of our hearts," speaker and author Dawna Hetzler shares the experience of a group of women who met for a year to explore and remove the fears that inhibit developing relationships.
"We were working together in ministries for others and I realized our souls needed feeding as well," says Hetzler. "We all have walls we've erected that hinder our relationships. We put them up in response to fear - of rejection, of emotional pain, of shame. If we worked together to identify and remove them, developing relationships would be a richer, more rewarding experience."
And so Jericho Girls - "warrior women who break down walls together" - was born.
The group provided a safe and supportive place for developing relationships based on honest sharing, loving feedback and self-discovery, Hetzler says.
"We met once a month for a year, and it was an incredible growth experience," writes Michelle Calhoun, one of the original Jericho Girls. "I had been hurt in the past and had given up on friendships and connecting with people. I learned so much about myself on this journey. Dawna describes the process in 'Walls of a Warrior.' "
With clarity, levity and wisdom, Hetzler shares her own and the other Jericho Girls' experiences as they identify the walls that prevent them from developing relationships rich with trust and honesty. At the end of each chapter, she shares some of the admissions made by group participants and invites readers to explore their own feelings about the statements.
"You have to know and trust a person before you allow them into your heart, because when you open yourself up, you become vulnerable," Hetzler says. "It's that vulnerability that causes us to build walls to protect ourselves from hurt, fear, rejection, disapproval, and that's natural. Some walls are healthy. But the invisible walls we're often not even aware of prevent us from experiencing the relationships - including our relationship with God that can benefit us in so many ways."
Writes award-winning, best-selling author Lauren E. Miller: "Connection and safety are two of the top human needs; our souls long for authentic relationships. We have all created walls in order to survive the storms in life; however, most of those walls no longer serve us. Dawna guides the reader back into their God-given ability to show up with confidence and love in all their relationships."
About Dawna Hetzler
Dawna Hetzler owns a real estate firm and is an author and speaker who focuses on women's connection groups and retreats. She's also a Bible study teacher and speaker for Stonecroft Ministries. She wrote "Walls of a Warrior" based on her experiences with the Jericho Girls - a group of women who meet to discuss the walls they build around their hearts that inhibit relationships with others.