The story of how Kate, after the heartbreaking loss of her husband, falls prey to a very wealthy Wall Street banker who tries to acquire her heart as he has successfully completed all of his other deals - pouncing on the vulnerable and taking control.
Kate struggles with the heady lure of the enormous money, excitement, glamour, greed and power of life in New York and whether she can ultimately rescue herself. Will she allow her heart to be reclaimed by a good man?
While following her quest for a reaffirmation of life and love, including a surprising adventure, the story touches on the unexpected pleasures, detours and decisions we face throughout our lives.
"You know those great summer books that from the first sentence (and the cool cover art) grab your attention, and make you want to read it? Well, this is one of those. Settle in, and get ready for a great ride. Schwartz alternately made me laugh and cry out loud over and over in this funny, sad, sexy, entertaining novel. A psychotherapist, I found myself cheering for Kate, as she brings us with her on her journey, refusing to abandon her true self while rebuilding her life after tragedy. Schwartz also deftly paints a picture of the ups and downs of monied NY dating that makes us non-east coast people shake our heads in wonder in this absorbing and fun summer treat," one reader noted in her review on Amazon.
Author Deborah Schwartz, who practiced law for 18 years, lives in New York.
WOMAN ON TOP is now available on Amazon and NOOK.