Highlands Ranch, CO
IMAGINE: No titles, no departments, no corporate ladder, no office hours, unlimited vacation time, profit sharing for everyone. No employees or managers, just Stakeholders. No written policies or HR department. Where people Make Meaning, not just money, and a lot more of both.
Chuck Blakeman, Author of the #1 Rated Business Book of the Year 2010, Making Money is Killing Your Business just released his highly anticipated new book, Why Employees are ALWAYS a Bad Idea, already named one of the Top 10 Business Books of 2013.
Why Employees Are Always a Bad Idea (WEAAABI)...is about these companies. They exist right now, in every industry, with five Stakeholders to 10,000. And everybody wants to work there.
This must-have business book will transform employees to Stakeholders, and show leaders how to eliminate archaic business practices to move their companies into the Participation Age. Readers of WEAAABI have expressed great enthusiasm for how it has transformed their businesses and their lives:
-Sarah Chauncey
"What am I thinking after reading this? I am thinking of a way to paper my office with it. To distribute it to the people I work with, the management, my friends, elementary school play dates from 25 years ago, and every person I meet on the street. This is an incredibly relevant idea."
-Talia Hay
Chuck Blakeman, founder of multiple businesses including The Crankset Group (http://www.cranksetgroup.com), has an off the grid approach to business that has been adopted by thousands of business owners and executives worldwide. As an internationally acclaimed business speaker averaging more than 100 speaking engagements and workshops per year, he has been quoted and featured in Harvard Business Review, Entrepreneur Magazine, CNNMoney.com, NYTimes.com, Stephen Covey's last book, The 3rd Alternative, and other media throughout the U.S., South America, Africa, China, Australia, and New Zealand.