WASHINGTON, Feb. 11, 2014 /PRNewswire/ Reporting directly to U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, Paul Brinkley spent five years overseeing economic improvement in Iraq and Afghanistan, As the Pentagon's top-ranking official charged with rebuilding the economies of these two war-torn nations, along with several African countries, Brinkley and his hundreds of volunteers struggled against bureaucratic policies to revolutionize foreign aid by leveraging America's strength its private sector.
In his new book, "War Front to Store Front," to be released Feb. 18 in a launch event at the Annenberg Presidential Conference Center in College Station, Texas, Brinkley a Texas A&M graduate - reveals why American foreign policy has left these nations in the Middle East and Africa disappointed, resentful, and suspicious of American intentions - and why America's path forward must change. This event is hosted as a Conflict and Development lecture at Texas A&M University and co-sponsored by the Norman Borlaug Foundation, the Bush School of Government and Public Relations, the Dwight Look College of Engineering and the Texas A&M College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.
Working in both the Bush and Obama administrations, Brinkley, who is optimistic that America can deliver on its economic promise, outlines in "War Front to Store Front" the necessary U.S. foreign policy changes that need to be made to rebuild nations under fire. In this important work, Brinkley reveals:
Event details |
Date: |
Tuesday, February 18 |
Time: |
2-3 p.m.: ConDev Lecture (followed by Q&A session) |
3-5 p.m.: Reception |
Place: |
Annenberg Presidential Conference Center |
1002 George Bush Drive W. |
College Station, TX 77843 |
"War Front to Store Front: Americans Rebuilding Trust and Hope In Nations Under Fire" is printed by Turner Publishing. More information can be found at www.warfronttostorefront.com.
Paul Brinkley is the president and CEO of North America Western Asia Holdings.
Eric E. Clark
m: +1.571.419.4219
e: eric.clark@nawah.com
SOURCE North America Western Asia Holdings