In "My Extraordinary Experiences: Questioning the Essence of Life" (published by Balboa Press AU), author Viviana Verheesen chronicles a myriad of her unusual experiences, events which she describes as falling beyond the parameters of normal, everyday life.
"Just like you can separate white light into seven different colours, I have come to understand, through my personal experiences, that the Human Being can also be split into many different aspects and that these separate aspects, in unison, combine within the organic human form, to offer us the experience of what it is to be human," explains Verheesen.
Throughout the book, Verheesen shares the strange events that follow her throughout her life, and explains her thinking processes that led to her realization "that we are far greater and more amazing than we think we are." She adds, "What I have come to understand will no doubt challenge old belief systems and offer a fresh new look at the world around you and how you operate within it. "
Verheesen offers many insights into unexplained occurrences and has written to encourage readers and create a broader awareness in order to bring about a "more positive state of evolution for mankind."
"My Extraordinary Experiences"
By Viviana Verheesen
Softcover | 5.5 x 8.5 in | 366 pages | ISBN 9781504304245
E-Book | 366 pages | ISBN 9781504304252
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
When she was 7, Viviana Verheesen sailed with her parents onboard a migrant ship from Holland to Australia. Having experienced many events outside of normal everyday life, she has always known that these would eventually lead her to write. Verheesen has travelled extensively and resides in tropical North Queensland, Australia. More information is available at:
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