Vivalogue Publishing has launched a new Mother's Day book project for 2013, following on from last year's successful Because You're My Mother anthology that raised money for Plan Canada's Because I Am a Girl Initiative. Once again, contributors will be able to purchase pages in the book and use them to pay tribute to their mothers, using their own words and photos, and will receive a copy of the book in time for Mother's Day giving.
"This is a collaborative book project that engages a widespread community of people in a creative venture," said Lynn Duncan, Vivalogue Publishing's Canadian director. "This is one of three self-funding book publishing models we have developed to enable groups, societies, organizations and companies to produce professional books."
The Mother's Day Book 2013 venture is the self-funding community model, in which Contributors buy a page or pages and upload personal content which is then professionally edited and laid-out. The page purchase price covers the cost of producing the book, plus a fund-raising element based on the goals of the project organizers. This model is particularly suitable for groups with well established communication channels, especially social media. It also requires a strong theme to allow for the integration of diverse content.
Vivalogue Publishing also a subscription model, where books are funded from pre-sales generated through a marketing campaign which includes special recognition opportunities, such as having major supporters listed in the preface to the book and signed, limited edition special copies for benefactors.
Book production costs in the sponsorship model are covered through a combination of grants and corporate sponsors. Volunteers provide the book's content and proceeds from sales are donated to a thematically appropriate non-profit organization. The content created should appeal to an audience beyond the circle of the organization and add to the social and public record.
Vivalogue Publishing has successfully managed created a variety of book projects for charities, groups and organizations using these self-funding book models.