Crown Princess Melania Abigail Alice Grace, known as Maagy, is willful, spoiled and tempestuous. In just five years she will be become Queen and her father, King Henry, must do something to change Maagy's ways before the time comes for her to lead.
Taking her to the Summer Castle and Grandpa Kris and Grandma Polly, he asks the elderly couple to teach her kindness, patience, humility and resourcefulness. As Maagy explores this delightful new place, she discovers odd and interesting characters and uncovers mysteries. Along the way, her adventurous nature and curiosity lead her in and out of trouble, but her spoiled exterior begins to fade away to reveal the wise and responsible leader hiding underneath.
"Just Maagy" (published by Archway Publishing) is the first fairytale in a series following Maagy's adventures by author Virginia Burton Stringer who was inspired by her own daughters and granddaughters. "Maagy is an amalgamation of all four girls, with her temper tantrums and impetuousness, but also, with a tender heart and sense of justice," she explains.
"In our society, teen girls can be brutal, each trying to attain some fabricated perfection they have seen in the media. It's important for them to know their perfection comes from within, not from the trappings of wealth or fame."
"Just Maagy"
By Virginia Burton Stringer
Hardcover | 6 x 9 in | 342 pages | ISBN 9781480811195
Softcover | 6 x 9 in | 342 pages | ISBN 9781480811218
E-Book | 342 pages | ISBN 9781480811201
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Virginia Burton Stringer is a native of South Carolina and grew up in Virginia. She attended Virginia Commonwealth University for theatre arts and has a bachelor's degree from The University of North Carolina at Charlotte. She has been an actor, director, drama teacher and playwright for over 45 years. She and her husband, Bill, have been married for 35 years and raised their three children in St. Petersburg, Fla., where they still reside. More information can be found at:
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