In light of the recent terrorist attacks in Paris, Lebanon, and Mali, there is a critical need for ways to counter the threat, danger, and fear caused by the Third Jihad. Retired Army colonel Sam C. Holliday, after fifty-three years of living with this challenge, offers ways to handle the many aspects of warfare and war associated with this threat. These include neutralizing networks, covert operations, effective intelligence gathering, ideological struggles, targeted assassinations, psychological operations, raids by special forces and rangers, and use of conventional war forces to regain territory. He stresses that there is no single solution.
Victory shows how to neutralize Militant Islamists while they are weak and unorganized. It points out past errors of diplomats using "soft power" while working through weak governments, and the military's use of the "hard power" of conventional war. It stresses the need for a specific strategy and plans for each place and time that combines and integrates the eight means for achieving stability.
"Militant Islamist are those who use violence and terror, they must fear America. Modern Muslims, those who want to transform the ideology of Islam into a religion of Islam that is compatible with the US Constitution, must know they can trust, and have the support of, America. All Muslims are not Islamists, but all Islamists are Muslims." explains Holliday.
Focusing on security at the local level, Victory describes warfare actions needed to defeat the Third Jihad throughout the world, while their political networks are weak and they are unable to control territory. It suggests that warfare requires greater use of sanctions, covert operations, deception, propaganda, human intelligence, strategic communication, organizing and motivating, forty-eight-hour tribunals, insurrection, satisfying aspirations, and network-building. The aim should always be to achieve stability without having to use conventional war forces.
A book much needed today and tomorrow, Victory provides a conceptual framework for defeating the Third Jihad.
Victory is being released on December 18, 2015 and will be available through and
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