Sean Duenser has published a brutally honest relationship novel called, Master of Emotion, The Agreement. Synopsis: After a pair of bitter break-ups, Jeremy, a jaded and cynical activist turned slinger begins pursuing a live cam girl he met online, Anna May.
"The relationship is over when a girl is through unraveling her man," states Jeremy in a supercilious dialogue that launches the mood from the outset. "What could possibly catch her more off-guard than what she'll think was a premature, pre-emptive break-up? Get your balls back, gentlemen! Find your identity and take your power back by realizing every last f*cking one of them will do this to you if they have the chance and motivation. They're not 'little and defenseless!'" Duenser said that he began writing the book after separating from the love of his life. Sean would later become nearly crippled in a motorcycle accident after a hit and run by a drunken motorist and would lose an aunt who was like a second mother to him, soon after. With all his boiling anger and resentment during recovery, Duenser wrote, in his words, this "stubborn minimalist epistolary novel to channel all of his frustrating negative emotions into a cathartic release."Videos