KANSAS CITY, KS - Unbound, an international nonprofit founded by lay Catholics and grounded in the Gospel call to put the needs of the marginalized and vulnerable first, will host Lisa Hendey, founder and editor of CatholicMom.com and bestselling author, on a trip to the Philippines February 4-15, 2016.
Hendey sponsors 8-year-old Jackilyn through Unbound. They will meet for the first time.
"I'm thrilled to be going and I'm so excited to meet [Jackilyn] and her family," Hendey said.
Hendey will travel as part of an Unbound awareness trip. These trips introduce travelers to children and elders who are part of the program. Travelers witness how families are building paths out of poverty through benefits like education, nutrition, microloans and even care for the environment.
Hendey looks forward to visiting with families served through Unbound and sharing her experiences with her readers.
"There is something about being there in person and seeing the work that just makes it more real and encourages us to realize the little sacrifices we make to be a part of it are a blessing to families," Hendey said.
Hendey says she knows the Filipinos "to be incredible people of faith and family," despite the hardships and natural disasters they have endured in recent years. "I am eager to see firsthand how we can help them through [Unbound's] services," she said.
"We thank Lisa for joining us on this adventure, as together we put flesh on the bones of Catholic social teaching," said Paco Wertin, church relations director at Unbound.
You can follow Hendey's adventure through Twitter: @LisaHendey and @Unboundorg.
About Unbound
Unbound is the largest nonprofit organization in Kansas with more than $120 million in annual revenue. Unbound works side by side with people of diverse faiths in 20 countries, bringing people together to challenge poverty in new and innovative ways.
Unbound distributes direct aid as quickly and efficiently as possible to people who need it. 92.5 percent of Unbound's expenses go toward program support.
Image Available: http://www.marketwire.com/library/MwGo/2016/1/25/11G080034/Images/r_2014_Hendey38313-026-6cce0f6e3fe48004be4f9afd46cd35c6.jpg