Bestselling children's author Sandy Eisenberg Sasso tells the story of Anne Frank and her sister Margot and their time in hiding from Nazis in the Secret Annex. By narrating the story from the perspective of the tree outside the Annex window, Sasso offers an age-appropriate way to open a conversation with even young children about hate and persecution. "Nature gently conveys how life continues despite loss. I wanted little ones to find hope in the possibilities of new beginnings without being afraid," Sasso, winner of the National Jewish Book Award, explains.
The book, written for ages 6-9, is co-published by the Children's Museum of Indianapolis and Skinner House Books. The museum, the largest children's museum in the world, is the first U.S. recipient of a sapling from the tree and houses a permanent exhibit called "The Power of Children," about Anne Frank, Ruby Bridges, and Ryan White. Purchase today.